Halal Food and Guide for Non-Muslims

Islam is one of the largest religion around the world and Muslims are living all around the world. Muslims believe in Allah and have a belief on prophets and Holy Quran. They have different regulations in their religion and one such is “Halal Food”. It is an Arabic world which means permitted or lawful. According to Islam and Quran, halal is a permission or engaged used of designated food. It is opposite to Haram and allowed as per the Islamic Law. These terms are applied universally and most of the Muslims follow Halal food only and this term is also used in relation to not only meat products but also personal care, food ingredients., contact materials, food products etc. there are several things that must be clear in the mind of a Muslim and that is to follow specific halal food only when it comes to having non-vegetarian. It is also a food type which must be free from any kind of prohibition such as consuming food during special days. Muslims love to eat strong and he...